Hello Cal State Students, and welcome!

We are so glad you are joining our team! Here you will find resources to give you a better understanding of our mission and how YOU can help teen cancer survivors nationwide. Every creative on this site can be leveraged in your online campaigns! We are also happy to provide any additional resources needed, so don’t hesitate to reach out! We have had the honor of partnering with other Cal State groups and we have witnessed firsthand the impact that these partnerships make to the mission of TRCF!

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about the work we do at TRCF! We are excited about this partnership and we want to help in any way we can! Please feel free to email, call, or text.

Holly Ehtisham, Director of Operations



There was a request for a copy of the Nonprofit partners and hospitals that we currently partner with to share and promote our scholarships. Please access that file here.

If you have additional nonprofit organizations, hospitals, or scholarship sites that you feel would help in marketing our scholarship, please feel free to send them our way.

TRCF Mission:

The Ruth Cheatham Foundation(TRCF) provides college scholarships and educational support to teens impacted by cancer, bridging the educational opportunity gap and providing a gateway to economic mobility. Ultimately leading to a higher quality of life in survivorship.


Our vision is a world where survivors are not defined by their diagnosis but have equal opportunity for a quality education.


The TRCF Brand:

preferred Creatives:

Spring Cal State Marketing ads:

TRCF Photos:

Education Photos:

Advocacy Photos:

Financial Aid Photos

TRCF Videos:


Gala Images: